The agreement made between the School and National School Surveys includes the entire survey process from survey set-up to reporting.
The School agrees that all survey questions provided by National School Surveys are copyright, and are to be kept confidential, and not shown to any party outside of the school, or used for any other purpose.
The School agrees that survey questions cannot be changed or modified unless National School Surveys consents to any such changes.
The School agrees that all benchmarks displayed in the reports are kept confidential and not shown to any party outside of the school, or used for any other purpose.
The School agrees that National School Surveys will conduct the surveys and manage the data, using data storage software.
The School agrees that surveys responses remain entirely anonymous and all data are kept confidential, and data are the property of National School Surveys.
The School agrees that under no circumstances will data be released that may identify any individual respondent.
The School agrees that data sets may not be modified and that if requested, National School Surveys will provide to the School only the original raw data set with any identifying data removed.
National School Surveys does not take responsibility for any issues that may arise due to information displayed in the data, including non-genuine responses, names of individuals, and offensive language.
The School agrees that all communication and correspondence, including reports, will only be made available to the Principal, unless requested otherwise in writing, by the Principal.
Payment is required prior to distribution of surveys to respondents.
The School agrees that additional analysis of data may require further payment.
National School Surveys adheres to the Australian Psychological Society Code of Ethics standards for confidentiality and storage of data
National School Surveys protects the security of confidential records and data obtained from schools.
National School Surveys ensures that no individual respondent can be identified through survey data obtained.
In the event that a school provides contact information to stakeholders, this information will only be used for the requested purposes of the School, and cannot be accessed by any other third party.
Data obtained from schools will not be released to any third party unless requested by the School Principal (or other designated person).
At the conclusion of the survey process, all contact information will be erased from the system and will not be used for any other purposes, unless requested by the School.
Research data obtained by National School Surveys are maintained securely to prevent unauthorised access, alteration or removal, accidental or intended damage or destruction.
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